The PGAL Architect team and their subcontractor, WHJ, worked with all applicable stakeholders to help plan, design, and provide cost estimates for the JPC facility. PGAL also assisted in developing the FFE, provided oversight during the construction phase and assisted in outfitting the public side of the JPC facility. PGAL provided proactive guidance and coordination throughout the entire JPC Project. PGAL formed a true partnership with the JPC project teams. PGAL Leads: Cheryl Gajeske, Eric Rosipal and Jon Hale; assisted by WHJ Don Olsen.
Pulitzer/Bogard and Associates
P/BA worked with all stakeholders to document local business processes, obtain and analyze applicable data, identify opportunities to enhance efficiency, determine space needs and identify required operational adjacencies. P/BA provided layout recommendations and square footage space programming for all functional areas of the JPC facility. P/BA also worked with stakeholders to develop the JPC staffing plan. The P/BA team are experts in the field of detentions. Lead: Curtiss Pulitzer.
Clark Construction and the Horizon Group
Clark/Horizon worked with PGAL, Harris County, the City of Houston, their subcontractors, vendors. and all applicable stakeholders to develop a JPC construction cost estimate. Clark/Horizon, PGAL and Harris County worked together through all the JPC permitting requirements. Clark/Horizon constructed the JPC facility under the CMAR delivery process. Clark Construction Lead: Chris Desko; Horizon Group Lead: Laura Thurmond.
LattaTech; Argyle Security; Norix; Prime Coat Coating Systems
LattaTech worked with Argyle Security on the JPC Electronic Security System, integrating all the electronic locks, key cards, surveillance cameras, intercoms, elevator controls, applicable lighting, etc. Norix provided most of the detention furniture. Prime Coat provided the coating for the inmate showers.
LattaTech Lead: Igor Abadzic.
Cogit Systems, Inc.
Cogit Systems provided critical JMS project management services, leading and coordinating efforts to customize, configure and launch GTL's OMS Jail Management System in the JPC/Harris County Jail. Cogit Systems helped interface the OMS to all applicable partner systems and was the linchpin to our successful transition from old legacy systems to the modern OMS. Cogit Systems also provided necessary transition planning, support, and performance diagnostics. Simply stated, Cogit Systems was the essential key to the successful deployment of GTL's OMS in Harris County. Lead: Rajeev Bajaj.
GTL; Securus; Aramark
Working with Cogit Systems, the HCSO, and Harris County Universal Services, GTL provided, customized, configured, and launched their Offender Management System (OMS) software in the JPC/Harris County Jail. As part of the GTL team, Mr. Vineet Singh built many of the MuleSoft based interfaces and was the primary developer on the OMS-AFIS integration for 2-finger validation. The GTL team also assisted in necessary staff training and provided timely system support. As part of the project, GTL also provided kiosks and a electronic security rounds system (through CorreTrak - Dynamic Imaging).
Securus provided the inmate phones and video visitation services. Aramark provided facility maintenance and custodial services. GTL Contact: Corby Kenter; Securus Contact: Sally Zeitvogel.